The Survivorship of Suicide Loss


~the survivorship of suicide loss-the authentic rendering of a mind in need~

It seems that at any one time, we are all at some constant fluctuating level of a mind in need. We have needs for understanding, needs for acceptance, needs to be loved, needs for companionship, needs for adjustment of who we are now which is different from who we were a moment ago. Continue reading

The Grief of Suicide Loss


~the grief of suicide loss-the lifetimes of existence, ever reaching to the hearts of many~

In those first weeks to months after his passing, the word grief became a universal descriptor. As I experienced how tangible his essence was around me–in every part of our home, in every part of my memories, in every part of my questioning–I understood that he was also a part of the existence within the existence of my life. He wasn’t going anywhere and he was absorbed into me immediately. Everything that I was absorbing, everything that I was feeling and everything that I could feel conglomerated into that descripting swirl of grief. Continue reading

The Senses After Suicide Loss

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~the senses after suicide loss-the silence speaks gently from the heart, caressing the tender soul above~

I could sense him. In my minds eye I could see him…floating above me looking down at his body, looking at me as I was with him in those first moments. His sense of not knowing what to do, his sense of “what have I just done”, his sense of a release of heaviness of self.  And finally, his sense of his own sorrow and grief along with a relief from a lifetime of a mind in need. Continue reading