Tree Rings, a Heart, and Grief ~ Change after Suicide Loss


~O tender heart, with your mosaic, root your wisdom and let it be~

In her beautiful starlit way, she came into the garage and shyly peeked her head around. Her uncertainty, her innocent curiosity, and her amazing bravery are what struck me.  This beautiful young fifteen-year-old was ready to beckon the scene of her father’s death, and she was doing so with what only grace could give–moving within the humility of the unknown. Continue reading

The Enduring Nature of Ourselves


~Our enduring nature–in the steadfast echoes of eternal infinity, is the motion of stillness~

It has been a year since my last post.  A year since climbing a mountain where my daughter and I brought his ashes home and released them to the wind.  I have needed that time–percolating the inwardness, percolating the understanding to endure, percolating deep patience and deep forgiveness–of myself.  Continue reading

Being Present in the Movement Towards Wholeness


~Presence, our wholeness as it is — the poetry of living~

When I reflect on my spirituality I think of the lifelong yearning and knowing of spirit moving through me, around me, and within me.  I think of the blessings of spiritual traditions and of the benevolence of the beautiful teachers who have bestowed their graciousness towards me when I’ve taken that bold step towards them. I think of all of the miraculous healing in the everyday life surrounding faith.  I think of all of the goodness of each and every being–and I do my best to feel it. Continue reading

The Importance of Breath with Suicide Loss


~the mingled breath of wholeness – the draw of who we are~

Taking that deep breath which moves us to our place of peace and inner stillness, that is the draw of who we are.  Breath is the phenomenal brilliance of our origin. It is the radiant sensation of grace that creates the beautiful glow in our existence.  It is our generosity, our patience, our tolerance, and our wisdom. Breath is our compassion. It is our loving kindness.  It is us.  We are our breath, we are our place of peace and inner stillness. We are the draw of who we are. Continue reading